KubeDB is the Kubernetes Native Database Management Solution which simplifies and automates routine database tasks such as Provisioning, Monitoring, Upgrading, Patching, Scaling, Volume Expansion, Backup, Recovery, Failure detection, and Repair for various popular databases on private and public clouds. The databases that KubeDB supports are MongoDB, Kafka, Elasticsearch, MySQL, MariaDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, ProxySQL, Percona XtraDB, Memcached and PgBouncer. You can find the guides to all the supported databases in KubeDB . In this tutorial we will show how to deploy MySQL Remote Replica across cluster. Remote Replica allows you to replicate data from an KubeDB managed MySQL server to a read-only MySQL server. The whole process uses MySQL asynchronous replication to keep up-to-date the replica with source server. It’s useful to use Remote Replica to scale of read-intensive workloads, can be a workaround for your BI and analytical workloads and can be geo-replicated. We will cover the following steps:
- Install KubeDB
- Deploy MySQL with TLS/SSL
- Insert Sample Data
- Deploy MySQL in a Different Region
- Validate Remote Replica
Get Cluster ID
We need the cluster ID to get the KubeDB License. To get cluster ID, we can run the following command:
$ kubectl get ns kube-system -o jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}'
Get License
Go to Appscode License Server to get the license.txt file. For this tutorial we will use KubeDB Enterprise Edition.
Install KubeDB
We will use helm to install KubeDB. Please install helm here
if it is not already installed.
Now, let’s install KubeDB
$ helm repo add appscode https://charts.appscode.com/stable/
$ helm repo update
$ helm search repo appscode/kubedb
appscode/kubedb v2023.10.9 v2023.10.9 KubeDB by AppsCode - Production ready databases...
appscode/kubedb-autoscaler v0.21.0 v0.21.0 KubeDB Autoscaler by AppsCode - Autoscale KubeD...
appscode/kubedb-catalog v2023.10.9 v2023.10.9 KubeDB Catalog by AppsCode - Catalog for databa...
appscode/kubedb-community v0.24.2 v0.24.2 KubeDB Community by AppsCode - Community featur...
appscode/kubedb-crds v2023.10.9 v2023.10.9 KubeDB Custom Resource Definitions
appscode/kubedb-dashboard v0.12.0 v0.12.0 KubeDB Dashboard by AppsCode
appscode/kubedb-enterprise v0.11.2 v0.11.2 KubeDB Enterprise by AppsCode - Enterprise feat...
appscode/kubedb-grafana-dashboards v2023.10.9 v2023.10.9 A Helm chart for kubedb-grafana-dashboards by A...
appscode/kubedb-metrics v2023.10.9 v2023.10.9 KubeDB State Metrics
appscode/kubedb-one v2023.10.9 v2023.10.9 KubeDB and Stash by AppsCode - Production ready...
appscode/kubedb-ops-manager v0.23.0 v0.23.1 KubeDB Ops Manager by AppsCode - Enterprise fea...
appscode/kubedb-opscenter v2023.10.9 v2023.10.9 KubeDB Opscenter by AppsCode
appscode/kubedb-provisioner v0.36.0 v0.36.1 KubeDB Provisioner by AppsCode - Community feat...
appscode/kubedb-schema-manager v0.12.0 v0.12.0 KubeDB Schema Manager by AppsCode
appscode/kubedb-ui v2023.10.1 0.4.5 A Helm chart for Kubernetes
appscode/kubedb-ui-server v2021.12.21 v2021.12.21 A Helm chart for kubedb-ui-server by AppsCode
appscode/kubedb-webhook-server v0.12.0 v0.12.0 KubeDB Webhook Server by AppsCode
# Install KubeDB Enterprise operator chart
$ helm install kubedb appscode/kubedb \
--version v2023.10.9 \
--namespace kubedb --create-namespace \
--set kubedb-provisioner.enabled=true \
--set kubedb-ops-manager.enabled=true \
--set kubedb-autoscaler.enabled=true \
--set kubedb-dashboard.enabled=true \
--set kubedb-schema-manager.enabled=true \
--set-file global.license=/path/to/the/license.txt
Let’s verify the installation:
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l "app.kubernetes.io/instance=kubedb"
kubedb kubedb-kubedb-autoscaler-57d9f76c78-vwpkw 1/1 Running 0 3m49s
kubedb kubedb-kubedb-dashboard-7bfb4db4cf-rbprn 1/1 Running 0 3m49s
kubedb kubedb-kubedb-ops-manager-7459d67fd4-gjsqc 1/1 Running 0 3m49s
kubedb kubedb-kubedb-provisioner-5dddf7dcc5-pmc8k 1/1 Running 0 3m49s
kubedb kubedb-kubedb-schema-manager-6b99f7846b-r84wr 1/1 Running 0 3m49s
kubedb kubedb-kubedb-webhook-server-7f56c85dc5-rr6ps 1/1 Running 0 3m49s
We can list the CRD Groups that have been registered by the operator by running the following command:
$ kubectl get crd -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kubedb
elasticsearchautoscalers.autoscaling.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:23Z
elasticsearchdashboards.dashboard.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:14Z
elasticsearches.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:14Z
elasticsearchopsrequests.ops.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:55Z
elasticsearchversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
etcds.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:33Z
etcdversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
kafkaopsrequests.ops.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:28Z
kafkas.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:35Z
kafkaversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
mariadbautoscalers.autoscaling.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:23Z
mariadbdatabases.schema.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:04Z
mariadbopsrequests.ops.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:09Z
mariadbs.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:04Z
mariadbversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
memcacheds.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:33Z
memcachedversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
mongodbautoscalers.autoscaling.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:23Z
mongodbdatabases.schema.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:04Z
mongodbopsrequests.ops.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:59Z
mongodbs.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:04Z
mongodbversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
mysqlautoscalers.autoscaling.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:23Z
mysqldatabases.schema.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:04Z
mysqlopsrequests.ops.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:06Z
mysqls.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:04Z
mysqlversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
perconaxtradbautoscalers.autoscaling.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:23Z
perconaxtradbopsrequests.ops.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:21Z
perconaxtradbs.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:34Z
perconaxtradbversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
pgbouncers.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:34Z
pgbouncerversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
postgresautoscalers.autoscaling.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:23Z
postgresdatabases.schema.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:04Z
postgreses.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:04Z
postgresopsrequests.ops.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:15Z
postgresversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
proxysqlautoscalers.autoscaling.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:23Z
proxysqlopsrequests.ops.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:18Z
proxysqls.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:34Z
proxysqlversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
publishers.postgres.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:31Z
redisautoscalers.autoscaling.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:23Z
redises.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:35Z
redisopsrequests.ops.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:12Z
redissentinelautoscalers.autoscaling.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:23Z
redissentinelopsrequests.ops.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:25Z
redissentinels.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:55:35Z
redisversions.catalog.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:52:52Z
subscribers.postgres.kubedb.com 2023-10-10T05:56:34Z
Deploy MySQL Server
We are going to Deploy MySQL server using KubeDB. First, let’s create a Namespace in which we will deploy the database.
$ kubectl create namespace demo
namespace/demo created
Create Issuer
We will create a TLS secured instance since were planning to replicate across cluster. Lets start with creating a secret to access database and we will deploy a TLS secured instance. So, we will to create an example Issuer
that will be used throughout the duration of this tutorial. Alternatively, you can follow this cert-manager
to create your own Issuer
. By following the below steps, we are going to create our desired Issuer
$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./ca.key -out ./ca.crt -subj "/CN=mysql/O=kubedb"
$ kubectl create secret tls my-ca \
--cert=ca.crt \
--key=ca.key \
secret/my-ca created
Now, we are going to create an Issuer
using the my-ca
secret that holds the ca-certificate we have just created. Below is the YAML of the Issuer
CR that we are going to create,
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Issuer
name: mysql-issuer
namespace: demo
secretName: my-ca
Let’s create the Issuer
we have shown above,
$ kubectl apply -f mysql-issuer.yaml
issuer.cert-manager.io/mysql-issuer created
Create Auth Secret
apiVersion: v1
password: cGFzcw==
username: cm9vdA==
kind: Secret
name: mysql-singapore-auth
namespace: demo
type: kubernetes.io/basic-auth
Let’s create the Auth Secret we have shown above,
$ kubectl apply -f mysql-singapore-auth.yaml
secret/mysql-singapore-auth created
Deploy MySQL with TLS/SSL configuration
Here is the yaml of the MySQL CRO we are going to use:
apiVersion: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
kind: MySQL
name: mysql-singapore
namespace: demo
name: mysql-singapore-auth
version: "8.0.31"
replicas: 3
mode: GroupReplication
storageType: Durable
storageClassName: "linode-block-storage"
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi
requireSSL: true
apiGroup: cert-manager.io
kind: Issuer
name: mysql-issuer
- alias: server
- kubedb:server
- localhost
- ""
terminationPolicy: WipeOut
Let’s save this yaml configuration into mysql-singapore.yaml
Then create the above MySQL CRO
$ kubectl apply -f mysql-singapore.yaml
mysql.kubedb.com/mysql-singapore created
In this yaml,
field specifies the version of MySQL. Here, we are using MySQL8.0.31
. You can list the KubeDB supported versions of MySQL by running$ kubectl get mysqlversions
represents the clustering configuration for MySQL.spec.topology.mode
specifies the mode for MySQL cluster. Here we have usedGroupReplication
to define the operator that we want to deploy MySQL Group Replication.spec.storage.storageClassName
is the name of the StorageClass used to provision PVCs.spec.terminationPolicy
field is Wipeout means that the database will be deleted without restrictions. It can also be “Halt”, “Delete” and “DoNotTerminate”. Learn More about these checkout Termination Policy .
Let’s check if the database is ready to use,
$ kubectl get mysql -n demo
mysql-singapore 8.0.31 Ready 22h
We have successfully deployed MySQL. Now we can exec into the container to use the database.
Accessing Database Through CLI
To access the database through CLI, we have to get the credentials to access. KubeDB will create Secret and Service for the database that we have deployed. Now, we are going to use mysql-singapore-auth
to get the credentials.
$ kubectl get secrets -n demo mysql-singapore-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\username}' | base64 -d
$ kubectl get secrets -n demo mysql-singapore-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.\password}' | base64 -d
Insert Sample Data
In this section, we are going to login into our MySQL database pod and insert some sample data.
# create a database on primary
$ kubectl exec -it -n demo mysql-singapore-0 -- mysql -u root --password='pass' --host=mysql-singapore-0.mysql-singapore-pods.demo -e "CREATE DATABASE playground;"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
# create a table
$ kubectl exec -it -n demo mysql-singapore-0 -- mysql -u root --password='pass' --host=mysql-singapore-0.mysql-singapore-pods.demo -e "CREATE TABLE playground.equipment ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type VARCHAR(50), quant INT, color VARCHAR(25), PRIMARY KEY(id));"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
# insert a row
$ kubectl exec -it -n demo mysql-singapore-0 -c mysql -- mysql -u root --password='pass' --host=mysql-singapore-0.mysql-singapore-pods.demo -e "INSERT INTO playground.equipment (type, quant, color) VALUES ('slide', 2, 'blue');"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
# read from primary
$ kubectl exec -it -n demo mysql-singapore-0 -c mysql -- mysql -u root --password='pass' --host=mysql-singapore-0.mysql-singapore-pods.demo -e "SELECT * FROM playground.equipment;"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| id | type | quant | color |
| 1 | slide | 2 | blue |
We’ve successfully inserted some sample data to our database. More information about Run & Manage MySQL on Kubernetes can be found in MySQL Kubernetes
Expose MySQL to Outside
Here, we will expose our MySQL with ingress to outside,
$ helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
$ helm upgrade -i ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
--namespace demo --create-namespace \
--set tcp.3306="demo/mysql-singapore:3306"
Let’s apply the ingress YAML thats refers to mysql-singpore
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: mysql-singapore
namespace: demo
ingressClassName: nginx
- host: mysql-singapore.something.org
- backend:
name: mysql-singapore
number: 3306
path: /
pathType: Prefix
Save this yaml configuration into mysql-singapore.yaml
and apply it,
$ kubectl apply -f mysql-singapore.yaml
ingress.networking.k8s.io/mysql-singapore created
Let’s check the ingress,
$ kubectl get ingress -n demo
mysql-singapore nginx mysql-singapore.something.org 80 22h
Now will be able to communicate from another cluster to our source database.
Prepare for Remote Replica
We wil use the KubeDB Plugin to generate YAML configuration for Remote Replica. It will create the AppBinding and and necessary secrets to connect with the source server.
$ kubectl dba remote-config mysql -n demo mysql-singapore -uremote -ppass -d -y
Prepare for Remote Replica
We have prepared another cluster like above but now for London region for replicating across cluster.
Create sourceRef
We will apply the generated YAML config from kubeDB plugin to create the sourceRefs and secrets for it.
$ kubectl apply -f home/test/yamls/mysql/mysql-singapore-remote-config.yaml
secret/mysql-singapore-remote-replica-auth created
secret/mysql-singapore-client-cert-remote created
appbinding.appcatalog.appscode.com/mysql-singapore created
$ kubectl get appbinding -n demo
mysql-singapore kubedb.com/mysql 8.0.31 4m17s
Create Remote Replica Auth
Here, we will need to use the same Auth secrets for Remote Replicas since operations like clone also replicated the auth-secrets from the source server.
apiVersion: v1
password: cGFzcw==
username: cm9vdA==
kind: Secret
name: mysql-london-auth
namespace: demo
type: kubernetes.io/basic-auth
Let’s save this yaml configuration into mysql-london-auth.yaml
and apply it,
$ kubectl apply -f mysql-london-auth.yaml
secret/mysql-london-auth created
Deploy MySQL in a Different Region
apiVersion: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
kind: MySQL
name: mysql-london
namespace: demo
name: mysql-london-auth
failureThreshold: 1
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 10
disableWriteCheck: true
version: "8.0.31"
replicas: 1
mode: RemoteReplica
name: mysql-singapore
namespace: demo
storageType: Durable
storageClassName: "linode-block-storage"
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi
terminationPolicy: WipeOut
In this yaml,
field specifies the version of MySQL. Here, we are using MySQL8.0.31
. You can list the KubeDB supported versions of MySQL by running$ kubectl get mysqlversions
represents the clustering configuration for MySQL.spec.topology.mode
defining the server will be working a Remote Replica.spec.topology.remoteReplica.sourceref
referring to source to read, the MySQL instance we previously created.spec.storage.storageClassName
is the name of the StorageClass used to provision PVCs.spec.terminationPolicy
field is Wipeout means that the database will be deleted without restrictions. It can also be “Halt”, “Delete” and “DoNotTerminate”. Learn More about these checkout Termination Policy .
Let’s save this yaml configuration into mysql-london.yaml
Then apply the above MySQL CRO
$ kubectl apply -f mysql-london.yaml
mysql.kubedb.com/mysql-london created
Now, KubeDB will provision a Remote Replica from the source MySQL instance. KubeDB operator sets the status.phase
to Ready once the database is successfully created. Run the following command to see the modified MySQL object:
$ kubectl get mysql -n demo
mysql-london 8.0.31 Ready 7m17s
Validate Remote Replica
Since both source and replica database are in the ready
state, now we can validate Remote Replica if that is working properly by checking the replication status,
$ kubectl exec -it -n demo mysql-london-0 -c mysql -- mysql -u root --password='pass' --host=mysql-london-0.mysql-london-pods.demo -e "show slave status\G"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Slave_IO_State: Waiting for source to send event
Master_User: remote
Master_Port: 3306
Connect_Retry: 60
Master_Log_File: binlog.000001
Read_Master_Log_Pos: 4698131
Relay_Log_File: mysql-london-0-relay-bin.000007
Relay_Log_Pos: 1415154
Relay_Master_Log_File: binlog.000001
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
Read Data
Previously, we have inserted some sample data into the primary pod. Now, we’ll read from secondary pods to determine whether the data has been successfully copied to the secondary pods or not.
$ kubectl exec -it -n demo mysql-london-0 -c mysql -- mysql -u root --password='pass' --host=mysql-london-0.mysql-london-pods.demo -e "SELECT * FROM playground.equipment;"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| id | type | quant | color |
| 1 | slide | 2 | blue |
So, we’ve successfully accessed the sample data from different region via Remote Replica.
Failover Remote Replica
In case you need to rsync with the primary cluster or any other secondary if available with mysql clone plugin
$ kubectl exec -it -ndemo mysql-london-0 -- bash
$ mysql -uroot $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
mysql> SET GLOBAL clone_valid_donor_list=''
mysql> CLONE INSTANCE FROM 'root'@'':3306 IDENTIFIED BY 'pass';
If you want to learn more about Production-Grade MySQL you can have a look into that playlist below:
To speak with us, please leave a message on our website .
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More about MySQL on Kubernetes
If you have found a bug with KubeDB or want to request for new features, please file an issue .