We are pleased to announce the release of KubeDB v2022.08.08 . This post lists all the major changes done in this release since the last release. This release offers some major features like Recommendation Engine, Configurable Health-Checker, Custom Volumes & VolumeMounts, Redesigned PerconaXtraDB Operator, MongoDB In-Memory AutoScaler, ProxySQL Declarative Configuration, ProxySQL User Sync, Elasticsearch V8 Ops-Request Support, etc. It also contains various improvements and bug fixes. You can find the detailed changelogs here .
KubeDB Recommendation Engine
In this release, we have introduced a recommendation engine to generate recommendations for database resources.
Recommendation-engine runs inside the kubedb-ops-manager
pod. Currently, it will generate Rotate TLS and Version Upgrade ops-request recommendations depending on the TLS certificate expiry date and available updated database versions. We have already introduced Supervisor to execute the recommendation in a user-defined maintenance window. To install the Supervisor helm chart, please visit here
To know more about Recommendation-engine and Supervisor, please watch the following videos where we discussed briefly and showed a demo on how to execute recommendations.
- KubeDB AutoOps: Automate Day 2 Life-cycle Management for Databases on Kubernetes
- KubeDB AutoOps Playlist
To see the generated recommendations:
$ kubectl get recommendations.supervisor.appscode.com -A
Recommendation: Rotate TLS
By default, the recommendation engine will generate a Rotate TLS recommendation for the TLS secured database before one month of the TLS certificate expiry date. But if the TLS certificate lifespan is less than one month, then it will generate the recommendation before half of the TLS certificate lifespan. Also while installing KubeDB, users can specify custom flags to configure the recommendation-engine to create Rotate TLS recommendations before a specific time of TLS certificate expiry date.
apiVersion: supervisor.appscode.com/v1alpha1
kind: Recommendation
app.kubernetes.io/instance: mongo-sh-tls
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: kubedb.com
app.kubernetes.io/type: rotate-tls
name: mongo-sh-tls-x-mongodb-x-rotate-tls-w6irof
namespace: demo
description: TLS Certificate is going to be expire on 2022-11-03 08:44:08 +0000 UTC
apiVersion: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
kind: MongoDBOpsRequest
name: rotate-tls
namespace: demo
name: mongo-sh-tls
rotateCertificates: true
type: ReconfigureTLS
status: {}
name: kubedb-ops-manager
failed: has(self.status) && has(self.status.phase) && self.status.phase == 'Failed'
inProgress: has(self.status) && has(self.status.phase) && self.status.phase == 'Progressing'
success: has(self.status) && has(self.status.phase) && self.status.phase == 'Successful'
apiGroup: kubedb.com
kind: MongoDB
name: mongo-sh-tls
$ helm install kubedb appscode/kubedb \
--version v2022.08.08 \
--namespace kubedb --create-namespace \
--set kubedb-provisioner.enabled=true \
--set kubedb-ops-manager.enabled=true \
--set kubedb-autoscaler.enabled=true \
--set kubedb-dashboard.enabled=ture \
--set kubedb-schema-manager.enabled=true \
--set kubedb-ops-manager.recommendationEngine.genRotateTLSRecommendationBeforeExpiryMonth=2 \
--set-file global.license=/path/to/license/file
With the above installation, the recommendation engine will generate recommendations before two months of the TLS certificate expiry date. To know more about the recommendation engine flags please visit here .
Recommendation: Version Upgrade
The recommendation engine will generate major/minor and patch version upgrade recommendations depending on the available new database versions. It also recommends the same version upgrade if the database/sidecar image version is out of date according to the catalog version. Even if the image digest is mismatched with the image registry(in the case of a retagged image), it will also generate the same version upgrade recommendation. When a user approves any recommendation, the Supervisor will create an Ops Request to execute the recommendation according to the specified maintenance window.
apiVersion: supervisor.appscode.com/v1alpha1
kind: Recommendation
kubedb.com/recommendation-for-version: 4.2.3
app.kubernetes.io/instance: mg-test
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: kubedb.com
app.kubernetes.io/type: version-upgrade
name: mg-test-x-mongodb-x-update-version-sqa7dc
namespace: demo
description: Latest Major/Minor version is available. Recommending version upgrade
from 4.2.3 to 4.4.6
apiVersion: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
kind: MongoDBOpsRequest
name: update-version
namespace: demo
name: mg-test
type: Upgrade
targetVersion: 4.4.6
status: {}
name: kubedb-ops-manager
requireExplicitApproval: true
failed: has(self.status) && has(self.status.phase) && self.status.phase == 'Failed'
inProgress: has(self.status) && has(self.status.phase) && self.status.phase ==
success: has(self.status) && has(self.status.phase) && self.status.phase == 'Successful'
apiGroup: kubedb.com
kind: MongoDB
name: mg-test
Health Checker
In this release, we’ve improved KubeDB database health checks. We’ve added a new field called healthChecker
under spec. It controls the behavior of health checks. It has the following fields:
: Specifies the interval between each health check iteration.spec.healthChecker.timeoutSeconds
: Specifies the timeout for each health check iteration.spec.healthChecker.failureThreshold
: Specifies the number of consecutive failures to mark the database as NotReady.spec.healthChecker.disableWriteCheck
: KubeDB does a database write a check by default, but if you want to disable it, you can use this field.
Example YAML:
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 10
failureThreshold: 3
disableWriteCheck: true
Custom Volumes & VolumeMounts
With this new release, users will be able to add additional volumes and volumeMounts to the database container. It will provide more flexibility to users.
- name: my-volume
mountPath: /usr/share/custom-config
- name: my-volume
secretName: custom-config
There are two changes on all the kubeDB opsRequest Types.
We have added the apply
field to OpsRequest CRD to control the execution of the opsRequest depending on the Database state. Its supported values are IfReady
& Always
Use IfReady
if you want to process the opsReq only when the database is Ready. And use Always
if you want to process the execution of opsReq irrespective of the Database state.
We have also added opsRequest status named Skipped
, & redesigned the execution order of OpsRequest CROs. The idea behind skipping is something like this :
If there are multiple opsReqs of the same ops-request type (like 3 ‘VerticalScaling’ ) in the Pending state, We don’t want to reconcile them one by one. Because only reconciling the last one is enough, & that is the user’s desired spec. we are setting opsReq Phase
in this situation, for all, except the last one.If there are multiple opsReqs of different ops-request type (like 3 ‘VerticalScaling’, 2
, 2Reconfigure
) in the Pending state, After skipping the previous step, there will be exactly one opsReq of each type in Pending And now, as they are different types, We want to reconcile the oldest one first.
Image Digest
Now KubeDB operators use docker image with digest value (ie. elasticsearch:7.12.0@sha256:383e9fb572f3ca2fdef5ba2edb0dae2c467736af96aba2c193722aa0c08ca7ec
) while provisioning databases. For a given docker image, if there is any vulnerability-fix pushed in the docker registry with the same tag, the running pods will have no idea about the change. Adding the digest helps the KubeDB recommendation engine to verify whether the current docker images are up to date or not. If not, the engine will generate recommendations for Restart/Upgrade ops requests to update the database pods with the latest images.
To autoscale the InMemory databases, A field named inMemoryStorage
has been added. There are two fields inside it: usageThresholdPercentage
, scalingFactorPercentage
We have also added a field named opsRequestOptions
on MongoDBAutoscaler. It has 3 fields inside. readinessCriteria
to specify the oplogMaxLagSeconds
which defines the maximum lagging time among the replicas, & objectsCountDiffPercentage
which defines the maximum objectsCount difference among replicas.
We have two more fields : timeout
& apply
. If any step in opsRequest execution doesn’t finish with a specified timeout, the corresponding opsRequest will result in Failed
. The apply
field is the same as discussed in the above OpsRequest section. A sample MongoDBAutoscaler YAML is given below :
apiVersion: autoscaling.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
kind: MongoDBAutoscaler
name: mg-as-rs
namespace: demo
oplogMaxLagSeconds: 10
objectsCountDiffPercentage: 10
timeout: 15
apply: "IfReady"
name: mg-rs
trigger: "On"
podLifeTimeThreshold: 3m
cpu: 600m
memory: 250Mi
cpu: 1
memory: 1Gi
controlledResources: ["cpu", "memory"]
usageThresholdPercentage: 70
scalingFactorPercentage: 50
- Fixed the Connection leak issue when ping fails.
We have redesigned the PerconaXtraDB Cluster Operator of KubeDB. Now It has the latest features of KubeDB including Galera clustering, failure recovery, custom configuration, TLS support, and monitoring using Prometheus. On this release, we are providing support for Percona XtraDB Cluster version 8.0.26. We have added a SystemUserSecrets field on PerconaXtraDB where custom MySQL users can be added for monitoring and clustering.
Sample YAML for the PerconaXtraDB Cluster:
apiVersion: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
kind: PerconaXtraDB
name: sample-pxc
namespace: demo
version: "8.0.26"
replicas: 3
storageType: Durable
storageClassName: "standard"
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 1Gi
name: db-monitor-user
name: db-replication-user
agent: prometheus.io/operator
release: prometheus
interval: 10s
apiGroup: cert-manager.io
kind: Issuer
name: px-issuer
- alias: server
- kubedb:server
- localhost
- ""
requireSSL: true
terminationPolicy: WipeOut
Primary Component Selector: From this release, No request will be routed to a MariaDB Cluster node that is not part of the primary component. So, A node only receives requests via database service if the node is a member of the primary component of the Galera Cluster. This feature will ensure that requests to database cluster nodes are successful.
Custom Auth Secret: The bug related to using user-provided custom auth secret is fixed. Validation of a custom auth secret is also added in this release.
OpsRequest: All the MySQL ops requests have been reworked . We have also added support for for InnoDBCluster
, SemiSync
and ReadReplica
. Now you can perform MySQLOpsRequest for all the available topologies.
Custom Auth Secret: The bug related to using user-provided custom auth secret is fixed. Validation of a custom auth secret is also added in this realease.
The re-constructed Elasticsearch health checker provides you with continuous read/write accessibility checking in the database. When the disk space reaches watermark limits, Elasticsearch has a protective function that locks the indices, stopping new data from being written to them. This is to stop Elasticsearch from using any further disk causing the disk to become exhausted. While the indices are locked, new data is not indexed and thus is not searchable. The read/write healthChecker makes sure that database accessibility is reflected in the Elasticsearch
CRO status. The R/W accessibility checking can be halted by setting .spec.healthCheck.disableWriteCheck
to true
OpsRequest: OpsRequest
support has been added for Elasticsearch V8. Now you can perform Upgrade
, Restart
, HorizontalScaling
, VerticalScaling
, VolumeExpansion
and ReconfigureTLS
in your KubeDB managed Elasticsearch V8
cluster with ElasticsearchOpsRequest
CRO. Upgrading the Elasticsearch cluster version will automatically trigger an upgrade for ElasticsearchDashboard
CRO resulting in a compatible version upgrade for KubeDB managed KIbana V8
deployed in your cluster. OpsRequest support for Opensearch V1
has also been re-constructed to function more natively.
New Version Support: KubeDB ProxySQL is now supporting proxysql-2.3.2-centos in the latest release.
Declarative Configuration: You can now set up the ProxySQL bootstrap configuration with declarative YAML. You can mention all the configurations regarding mysql_users
, mysql_query_rules
, mysql_variables
and admin_variables
through the YAML or config secret and KubeDB ProxySQL will generate a configuration file based on these and bootstrap the server with that. With this feature ProxySQL admin does not need to set up anything from the command line.
User synchronization with backend: syncUser
field is newly introduced to KubeDB ProxySQL. When enabled it syncs all the necessary information of the user with the backend server. Any updates in the backend will automatically reflect in the ProxySQL server if needed. With this feature, ProxySQL admin does not need to enter users manually in the ProxySQL server or update any information like password. Even in the case when a user is deleted from the backend, the operator will auto remove it from ProxySQL server.
apiVersion: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
kind: ProxySQL
name: proxy-mysql
namespace: demo
version: "2.3.2-debian"
replicas: 3
mode: GroupReplication
apiGroup: "kubedb.com"
kind: MySQL
name: mysql-server
replicas: 3
syncUsers: false
- username: reader
active: 1
default_hostgroup: 2
refresh_interval: 2050
cluster_mysql_servers_save_to_disk: false
max_connections: 1024
default_schema: "information_schema"
- rule_id: 1
active: 1
match_digest: "^SELECT.*FOR UPDATE$"
destination_hostgroup: 2
apply: 1
- rule_id: 2
active: 1
match_digest: "^SELECT"
destination_hostgroup: 3
apply: 1
terminationPolicy: WipeOut
Removal of PG-Coordinator Container for Standalone Mode: Now kubeDB Postgres standalone doesn’t require running the pg-coordinator sidecar container with it. In this release, We have removed all the pg-coordinator sidecar container dependencies.
New Version Support: We are excited to announce KubeDB now supports the newly released Redis Version 7.0.4
. You can deploy and manage your Redis Version 7.0.4
Cluster using KubeDB. Along with Version 7.0.4
, we also added support for two new versions; Redis 5.0.14
and Redis 6.2.7
Ops Requests: KubeDB Ops Requests have been improved for Standalone Mode and Cluster Mode in this release. You can perform Upgrade
, Reconfigure
, HorizontalScaling
, VerticalScaling
, VolumeExpansion
and ReconfigureTLS
in your KubeDB managed Redis
cluster with RedisOpsRequest
What Next?
Please try the latest release and give us your valuable feedback.
If you want to install KubeDB, please follow the installation instruction from here .
If you want to upgrade KubeDB from a previous version, please follow the upgrade instruction from here .
To speak with us, please leave a message on our website .
To receive product announcements, follow us on Twitter .
If you have found a bug with KubeDB or want to request for new features, please file an issue .