Introducing KubeStash v2024.3.16

We are pleased to announce the release of KubeStash v2024.3.16, packed with new features and important bug fixes. You can check out the full changelog HERE . In this post, we’ll highlight the key updates.

New Features

Previously, some restore options such as VolumeSnapshots and volumeClaimTemplates were restricted in their functionality. We were not able to restore them to a namespace other than RestoreSession’s namespace. This was due to the requirement of creating a RestoreSession in the same namespace as the dataSource.

To resolve this issue, we’ve introduced a new field called .spec.dataSource.namespace within the RestoreSession (CRD)(#104 ). This field allows you to specify the namespace where the dataSource (i.e., repository and snapshot) is located.

So, with the addition of the .spec.dataSource.namespace field, users can now create a RestoreSession in a different namespace while referencing the namespace of the dataSource.

Note, if the .spec.dataSource.namespace field is left empty during restoration, the KubeStash operator will consider the DataSource is in the same namespace of the RestoreSession.


Let’s consider you’ve previously backed up your workload application to the backup namespace, meaning dataSource (repository and snapshot) is located in that namespace.

Now, You might want to restore the PVCs in the restore namespace by specifying the volumeClaimTemplates within the RestoreSession.

Here’s an example of a RestoreSession with the .spec.dataSource.namespace field set:

 kind: RestoreSession
   name: sample-pvcs-restore
   namespace: restore # The namespace where you want to restore the backup data.
     namespace: backup # The namespace where your data was previously backed up. The snapshot and repository exist there.
     repository: gcs-repo
     snapshot: latest
       name: encrypt-secret # some addon may not support encryption
       namespace: backup
     name: pvc-addon
       - name: volume-clone
             - name:  restore-data
               mountPath:  /source/data
             - metadata:
                 name: restore-data
                 accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
                 storageClassName: "standard"
                     storage: 2Gi

Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • During the backup process of VolumeSnapshots, if the retentionPolicy applier container attempts to clean a volume snapshot that was unintentionally deleted by the user, then the backup will be fail. To address this issue, we ignore the “not found” error.
  • During the Backup or Restore process of KubeDB managed databases, the KubeStash operator will not initiate backup or restore process until the AppBinding is created. AppBinding is necessary to resolve the KubeDB managed databases addon version and calculating interim volume size if necessary.
  • Fixed issue regarding the Repository size update. Now we can find the correct information about the size of backed-up data stored in the Repository.

What Next?

Please try the latest release and give us your valuable feedback.

  • If you want to install KubeStash in a clean cluster, please follow the installation instruction from HERE .
  • If you want to upgrade KubeStash from a previous version, please follow the upgrade instruction from HERE .


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