Monthly Review - January, 2023


Announcing KubeDB v2023.01.31

We are pleased to announce the release of KubeDB v2023.01.31. This post lists all the major changes done in this release since the last release. The release was mainly focus on some hot fix regarding Private Registry ImagePull, Postgres pg-coordinator leader switch issue and running Kibana and OpenSearch dashboard as non root user.


Introducing Stash v2023.01.05

We are announcing Stash v2023.01.05 which includes a bug fix and few improvements. It comes with a couple of exciting new features, a few bug fixes, and improvements to the codebase. In this post, we are going to highlight the most significant changes.



Manage ExternalDNS with CRD and Kubernetes Operator

AppsCode held a webinar on 11th January 2023, on Manage ExternalDNS with CRD and Kubernetes Operator. The contents of the webinar are:

  • Introduction to DNS
  • DNS in Kubernetes
  • External DNS Project
  • External DNS Operator
  • Demo
  • Q&A Session


Manage Redis Secrets using KubeVault

AppsCode held a webinar on “Manage Redis Secrets using KubeVault”. This took place on 17th Jan 2023. The contents of the webinar are shown below:

  • Deploy VaultServer
  • Deploy Redis Standalone Database
  • Enable Redis SecretEngine
  • Create Database Roles
  • Manage User Privileges
  • KubeVault CLI in Action
  • Q&A Session


Managing TLS secure Kafka on Kubernetes using KubeDB

AppsCode held a webinar on “Managing TLS secure Kafka on Kubernetes using KubeDB” on 25th January 2023. The contents discussed on the webinar:

  • Apache Kafka and how it works
  • Kafka’s new Kraft mode and why it’s better
  • Provision Apache Kafka with KubeDB
  • Kafka clustering
  • Create, publish, and consume event from kafka


Blogs Published

Deploy and Manage PgBouncer in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Using KubeDB

KubeDB simplifies Provision, Upgrade, Scaling, Volume Expansion, Monitor, Backup, Restore for various Databases in Kubernetes on any Public & Private Cloud. This blog shows how to Deploy and Manage PgBouncer in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Using KubeDB.


MySQL and Its Use Cases

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that is renowned for its dependability, robustness, and performance. Here we give an overview of the MySQL database.


Leveraging KubeVault to Manage the Redis Secret Engine in Amazon EKS - A Step-by-Step Guide

KubeVault is a Git-Ops ready, production-grade solution for deploying and configuring Hashicorp’s Vault on Kubernetes. KubeVault provides various ways to configure your Vault deployment. This blog shows how to Manage Redis Secret Engine using KubeVault in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).


Why Choose PostgreSQL Database

PostgreSQL is a robust open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) which is frequently used for maintaining and analyzing massive datasets. Here we give an overview of the PostgreSQL database.



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